Early Pathogenesis And Laboratory Diagnostic Of Atherosclerosis

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Laboratorinė medicina. 2015,
t. 17,
Nr. 1,
p. 25 -

Atherosclerosis is one of the main metabolic diseases affecting millions worldwide. This disease is caused by hardening of arterial wall and forma -tion of plaques that encroach on the lumen of medium-sized and large arteries. This limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body. Disease starts in young age and eventually lead to serious complications, like heart stroke, stroke, or even death. There are a lot of factors related to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis - such as oxidized LDL, hypercholesterolemia, arterial hypertension, hyperhomocysteinemia, even infectious antigens like chlamydia. These factors coupling with inflammation agents, e.g. TNF alfa, interferone gamma, and immune cells, like mono-cytes, lymphocytes, dendritic cells create the environment for atherosclerosis progression. Despite a lot of scientific effort put into research of early atherosclerosis progression, the connection between oxidative stress and chronic inflammation in vascular endothelial tissue is still poorly known. The diagnosis is made mainly clinically, confirmed by imagining tests, but there is a growing need of early atherosclerosis bio-markers, that would help to accurately pinpoint the disease and avoid future complications. In the article we summarized the important findings of early pathogenesis research, as well as the main directions for future studies.

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