Role of Vitamin D and Significance of It’s Assessment

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Laboratorinė medicina. 2012,
t. 14,
Nr. 2,
p. 99 -

Role of Vitamin D and Significance of It’s Assessment

Valerija Jablonskienė, Rūta Žilinskaitė, Dalius Vitkus



Vitamin D insufficiency has achieved pandemic level. Industrialization, air pollution, sedentary lifestyle, other fac­tors that limit vitamin D production in the skin as well as obesity, inadequate al­imentary intake - are major causative factors of vitamin D deficiency. Signifi­cance of vitamin D for whole human or­ganism has been described by many stud­ies. Their results have shown difterent actions of vit. D - from influence to bone metabolism to “non-classical” role of vit. D. Vit. D acts as steroid hormone via cytosolic vitamin D receptor (VDR), then - nucleus receptor, therefore actively influence on DNA (long time action). Most cells express the VDR: bone, bone marrow, osteoblasts, cartilage, skin, kidney, adre­nal, stomach, intestine, liver, pancreas (cells), uterus, placenta, ovarian, breast, prostate, testicle, retina, lung, heart, brain, body fat, tumor cells, hypophysis, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus cells, T and B lympho­cyte, macrophages and other. Some cells have membrane vit. D receptors: then acti­vate tyrosine-kinase and rapidly increase concentration of intracellular calcium (fast time action).

Main circulating vitamin D metabo­lite - 25(OH)D - as indicator of vitamin D status has many advantages to 1,25(OH)2D, because serum 25(OH)D levels retlect the body’s storage of vita - min D, has longer half-life (3-4 weeks) and correlate with the clinical symptoms.

Importance of vitamin D insuffi­ciency has been shown for the genesis of different diseases: cardiovascular, cancer (especially colorectal, breast, prostate and lung), in a number auto-immune pa­thologies, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid ar­thritis, multiple sclerosis and other. Therefore laboratory assessment of se­rum 25(OH)D level has to be important as well as estimation of reference values of different population.

Keywords: vitamin D, 25-hydroxy- vitamin D, assessment.


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