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Laboratorinė medicina. 2023,
t. 25,
Nr. 2,
p. 117 -


Objective. This literature review analyzes the latest findings of postprandial response and laboratory testing interactions. Multiple guidelines and clinical studies were evaluated to determine which routine laboratory tests need fasting period.

Methods. Publications were searched using PubMed, Medline, ScienceDirect databases with MESH vocabulary. All studies had to match such criteria: had to be in English, been written in 2017–2023 period and involving human studies.

Results. The first country to question fasting before laboratory tests was Denmark, whose findings revealed that lipid panel could be done after eating and is especially relevant to those patients at risk with hypoglycemia. Even though food containing microelements have a significant effect on glucose fluctuation in plasma, its clinical significance is not clear. There is significant interaction of food and hematology tests: activated partial thromboplastin time, thyroid hormones as thyroxine and thyroid stimulating hormone, these tests need to be performed after 12 hours of fasting period. It is essential to know about food and laboratory testing interplay to properly evaluate specific markers and prevent mistakes in patient’s diagnostics and treatment, costing both money and time.

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