Indices and Cut-off Points for Hyperandrogenism in Woman with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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Laboratorinė medicina. 2012,
t. 14,
Nr. 1,
p. 8 -

Indices and Cut-off Points for Hyperandrogenism in Woman with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Lina Zabulienė, Zita Aušrelė Kučinskienė, Eglė Marija Jakimavičienė, Gražina Drąsutienė, Janina Tutkuvienė



The biochemical and clinical hyper- androgenism is an important component of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

The aim of the study was to deter­mine normal variation and cut-off points for androgen levels and hirsutism in a healthy female poput ation, as well as to reveal the prevalence of PCOS pheno­types according to different cut-off points of hyperandrogenism.

During the 2007-2011 in total 197 women, aged 20-35 years, were investi­gated in Vilnius city, Lithuania: 116 fe­males with PCOS (accordtng to Rotter­dam 2003 criteria) and 81 healthy females without menstrual dysfunction and hyper- androgenism (control group). The hirsutism was evaluated using a modtfied D. Ferriman ir J. D. Gallwey (1961) score (mF-G). Serum levels of total testoster­one (T), dehydroepiandrosterone sul­phate (DHEAS) and sex hormone bindtng globut in (SHBG) were estimated; the free androgen index (FAI) was calculated. Imunometrical tests were performed using the elec tro chemi cal luminescence competitive immunoassay method.

The main percentiles for serum an­drogen levels in controls were calculated. The hairiness in healthy females ranged between 0 and 5 mF-G scores: 56.8% had 1 only 7.4% had 5 scores. The 95th per­centile of hirsutism was 5 scores. The an­drogen levels in PCOS females matched with the hirsutism score well.

For Lithuanian women mF-G score 6 could be recommended as the hirsutism cut-off point. The recom­mended cut-off points for hyperandroge- nemia in 20-35 years old females (the 95th percentiles): T - 1.68 nmol/l, DHEAS - 10.42 |imol/l, FAI - 2.94 (ac­cordtng to the above mentioned labor a - tory methods).

Keywords: female androgenization level, hirsutism, polycystic ovary syn­drome, total testosterone, free androgen index


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