Imunohaematological View of Laboratory Diagnostics for Foetus Haemolytical Disease

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Laboratorinė medicina. 2012,
t. 14,
Nr. 2,
p. 95 -

Imunohaematological View of Laboratory Diagnostics for Foetus Haemolytical Disease

Ramunė Šepetienė



Fast developing science of medicine, consolidates relationship among the different fields of specialists to opti­mize patient’s quality of care. Due to a misunderstanding how to make an ap­propriate decision to manage a situa­tion, the most complicated and expen­sive diagnostic procedures are being in­volved instead of well known sero­logical investigations which are mod­ern developed but not enough valuable within imunohaematologists due to their shortage. There are unknown pri­orities for the serological laboratory yet, and all scientific comments and proposals have no response among clinicians.

Important data about prevention and laboratory diagnostics for Haemolytic Disease of Foetus for preg­nant women are established in this re­view. There are described serological data to be realized and prioritize to up­date the management and rules of as­says in the laboratory. This is not a re­view pretending to describe the alpha­bet of imunohaemathology or trying to attempt clinicians how to cure the HDF. As well known the advent of Rh immune globuline has decreased the incidence of D-associated HDF due suc­cessful anti-D prophylaxis but HDF caused by antigens other than D is in­creasing in preval ence perhaps to less known or unknown importance to de­velop the alloimunisation in pregnancy as the investigation of clinical impor­tant role is still in progress. The inte­gration and involvement of the labora­tory findings promotes the basic key for HDF management. It’s extremely im­portant to organize clinical support for doctors, interpreting the results of the serological findings trying to extract the maximum capacity for the patients. The molecular investigations are be­coming more popular and visible for each section, immunohaematology tests to be referable to complete diag­nostics to obtain appropriate results in any discrepancies. This article is rehabilitation for serological investiga­tions, the importance for the HDF laboratory diagnostics.

Keywords: immunohaematology, RBC alloimunisation, alloantibodies, laboratory tests for pregnant, haemolytic disease of foetus.


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