Evaluation Of Epidemiologicalindicators Ant Treatment Outcome In Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor

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Laboratorinė medicina. 2015,
t. 17,
Nr. 2,
p. 65 -

Introduction. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors are the most common mesenchymal neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract. For its wide variability in biological and clinical behavior it is difficult to diagnose it. Despite the diagnostic difficulties after discovering a specific treatment, the prognosis of this disease significantly improved. The aim of this study is to explore the characteristics and prognostic factors of gastrointestinal stromal tumors and the intluence of these factors on survival rate.

Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of 234 patients' clinical data was made. The analysis evaluated TNM clini cal stages, mal ignancy of the tumor, selected treatment strategy, other factors and the intluence of these factors on overall survival and progression-free survival rates.

Results. Analysis group consisted of 46 men (37.70%) and 76 women (62.30%), mean age 64±13 years. Distribution of patients according to clinical stages: I 64 (52.46%), II 18 (14.75%), III 16 (13.11%), IV 7 (5.74%), undefined 17 (13.93%); according to malignant potential: very low/low risk - 66 (54.10%), intermediatę/high - 48 (39.34%), undefined - 8 (6.56%). The mutations: 26 (83.87%) in a Kit gene, 6 (16.13%) in a PDGFRa gene. 2-year overall sur-vival according to clinical stages: I 94%, II 93%, III 91%, IV 86%, p=0.2401; according to malignant potential: very low/low risk - 96%, intermediatę/high -87%, p=0.1324. 5-year rates respec-tively: I 92%, II 80%, III 75%, IV 40%, p=0.05; 87% and 57 %, p=0.0483. 2-year progression-free survival according to imatinibad ministration: administered - 93%, non-administered - 64%, p=0.04; overall survival respectively: administered - 100%, non-administered - 79%, p=0.0462.

Conclusion. The largest part of gastrointestinal stromal tumor patients were elderly, women suffered from gastrointestinal stromal tumors more often than men. Higher clinical stage and higher malignant potential of the tumor resulted in significantly worse 5-year overall survival. Imatinib administration led to better 2-year survival rates. Tumors with mutation more often had a higher malignant potential. The most common mutation was in Kit gene.

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