The usefull software for molecular genetics laboratory: comparison of the lists

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Laboratorinė medicina. 2013,
t. 15,
Nr. 3,
p. 164 -

This article introduces new software EMGL-S (version 1.01) that was created in Department of Human and Medical Genetic of Vilnius University. The software was created while working on project for investigating Lithuanian population and structure characteristics associated with frequent multifactorial diseases. The software can be used for the comparison of two deimter separated data files by one attribute. Results of the comparison are three files that store data shared by input files, and that is unique for these files. The example of software usage in laboratory of molecular genetics is se- ection of beadchip for single nucleotide polymorphism sequencing on the market by the list of required markers, and trying to cover maximum amount of them. The software is Lithuanian and can be freely downloaded from the authors' web page arasimavicius/. Software is dedicated for scientists and students working in the research projects.

Keywords: free software, laboratory of molecular genetics, comparison of the lists.

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