Red Cell Alloimmunization Frequency Among Rh D Negative Women

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Laboratorinė medicina. 2015,
t. 17,
Nr. 4,
p. 169 -

There are known 36 red cell antigen systems and more than 600 antigens in this time. Antibodies against fetus red cells that had developed during pregnancy period can cause hemolytic desease of fetus and newborn (HDFN), although antenatal immunoprophylaxis is executed to prevent maternal-foetal anti-Rh(D) allo-immunisation. However, even severe HDFN are identified. They are caused by insufficient Rh IgG (anti-D) globulin immunoprophylaxis and other clinical significant antibodies against red cell antigens.

Aim of the study. To assess significance of antibodies frequency against clinically significant and clinically nonsignificant red cell antigens among Rh D negative pregnant women in LSMU Kauno klinikos.

Methods. 119 pregnant women were explored in the research, from 17 to 45 years (avarage of age 32.24±0.51) and them was assess antibodies against red cells antigen systems. Immunohematological tests (antibody screening and identiii t cation) were performed for these women. “SPSS for Windows 21.0” and “Microsoft Office Excel 2010” were used for statistical data analysis.

Results. The most frequent clinically significant antibodies against red cell antigen systems were Rh Cw 84.9% (p<0.001) and D 68.9% (p<0.001) antigens, against Kell system - Kpa 22.7% (p<0.05). Then antibodies against red cell antigen systems were Rh C 10.9%, Kell K 10.1% and Rh E 9.2% antigens. Other antigens, against which was assess antibodies, were identified in less than 5%. The most frequent clinically nonsignificant antibodies against red cell antigens were Lutheran system antibody 41.2% (p<0.05).

Conclusions. In most cases, antibodies against clinically significant red cell antigen systems were: antibodies against Rh system antigens Cw and D, as well as against Kell system antigen Kpa. In most cases, antibodies against clinically non significant antigen system were antibodies against the Lutheran system antigens.

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