Managing a Rare Airway Compromised Laryngeal Vascular Malformation with Nd:Yag Laser

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Laboratorinė medicina. 2017,
t. 19,
Nr. 1,
p. 69 -

Background. Venous malformations are the most common symptomatic vascular malformations. They are benign but cause significant functional and esthetical disabilities. Rarely, they involve laryngeal structures and cause airway, voice or swalowing symptoms and even life-threatening airway obstruction.

Material and methods. We present a 15 years old girl with dysphagia, increasing respiratory insufficiency and vascular malformations history. Fibrobronchoscopy and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated vascular malformation in laryngeal area, which covers more than 50% of the lumen. Because of deteriorating state, under the general anaesthesia with flexible bronchoscope and Nd:YAG laser, pathological vascular masses were coagulated directly until shrank and bleached.

Results. No bleeding or complication occurred. Treatment was successful: there are no signs of dysphagia and respi­ratory insufficiency.

Conclusions. Laryngeal venous malformations can be successfully managed with a Nd:YAG laser and can be effective alternative to surgical excision and sclerotherapy.

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