Correlation Between Biochemical Blood Parameters and Portal Venous Velocities in Case of Pancreatitis

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Laboratorinė medicina. 2018,
t. 20,
Nr. 4,
p. 243 -
Background. Our aim was to assess the relation between biochemical blood parameters in case of mild acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis and portal venous velocities.
Material and methods. This study was arranged in 2015-2018 in Vilnius University hospital “Santaros klinikos” under the permission of Lithuanian Bioethics Committee No 158200-15-774-291. In all, 71 participants were divided into three groups: 29 patients with mild acute pancreatitis, 26 patients diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis, 16 healthy volunteers. Starving morning venous blood was taken for complete blood count, coagulation parameters and biochemical markers (C-reactive protein, lipase, amylase). Abdominal color Doppler ultrasound was performed the same day, evaluating diameter of portal veins and main velocities. Statistical analysis was made using SPSS 20.0
Results. Study groups were homogenous based on age, height and weight. No significant difference was found between groups comparing APTT, SPA and INR - all results were within normal limits in all groups. Concentration of D-dimer and fibrinogen were exceeding normal limits in acute and chronic pancreatitis groups (2482±2416.9 pg/L and 6.1±2.1 g/L; 899.4±1503.5 pg/L and 4.6±1.4 g/L respectively), and differed significantly compared to healthy control (p<0.005). CRB concentration differed between groups significantly (p<0.001). No significant influence was found on portal venous velocties by complete blood count, coagulation parameters or biochemical markers (p>0.05). Biochemical markers did not have influence on venous velocities between study groups as well.
Conclusions. Biochemical blood parameters have no influence on portal venous velocities in case of mild acute pancreatitis or chronic pancreatitis.
© 2024, Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine