Assessment of Susceptibility of Micromycetes Spread in Living and Working Premises to Disinfectants

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Laboratorinė medicina. 2009,
t. 11,
Nr. 2,
p. 71 -

Assessment of Susceptibility of Micromycetes Spread in Living and Working Premises to Disinfectants

Algimantas Paškevičius, Loreta Levinskaitė


Introduction. Under conditions of cli­mate warming and increasing humidity, it is often encountered damage caused by microscopic fungi. Thus, it is important to limit their spreading and their nega - tive activity in human apartments and working places. The article presents data about susceptibility of micromycetes iso­lated from living and working premises to fungicidal substances.

Material and methods. The follow­ing disinfectants were used: “IMA- ANTI”; “Antipelėsinis skystis”, “Plesnio- bojczy Spray”; “Antigrybas”; “IPA-3GG”; “Boramon” and the cover “Biosheen”. The effect of these agents was tested on 8 micromycetes often deiected in living and working premises. They were Clado- sporium sphaerospermum, Aspergillus versicolor, Penicillium chrysogenum, Penicillium digitatum, Aspergillus melleus, Penicillium aurantiogriseum, Aspergillus niger and Scopulariopsis candida. Susceptibility to antiseptics was investigated using the paper disc method.

Results. It was found out that not ev­ery disinfectant was effective towards tested micromycetes. The disinfectant “IMA-ANTI” showed weak impact on fungi Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Penicillium aurantiogriseum. The agents “Antipelėsi- nis skystis” and “Plesniobojczy spray” did not afiect growth of Penicillium chryso- genum. The all tested fungi were suscep­tible to “Antigrybas”, while Aspergillus versicolor was resisiant to the disinfec­tant „IPA-3GG“. Significant fungicidal ef­fect was exerted by the disinfectant “Boramon” and the cover “Biosheen”.

Conclusions. The results showed that not every tested disinfectant was highly effective to the tested indoor micromycetes. It was revealed that the most significant effect was showed by the agents “Antigrybas”, “Boramon” and the cover “Biosheen”.

Keywords: microscopic fungi, disinfec­tants, fungicidal effect.

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