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Introduction. The population of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is rapidly growing. Due to the lack of kidney donors and low penetration of peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis (HD) remains the most common treatment option. The formation of arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is considered as a priority vascular access for HD patients in clinical practice. However, many complications are associated with this access, also including high-output heart failure which increase death rate and provoke challenges to doctors.


Among end-stage renal disease pa­tients, the risk of cardiovascular moribidity and total mortality is significantly higher than in healthy individuals. As interventions that have been successful in the general population, failed to improve outcomes of hemodialysis patients, more attention is paid to non-traditional, only for hemodialysis patients specific risk factors. Disturbances of calcium phosphate metabolism and related vascular calcification is one of them. Vascular calcification is not any longer considered a passive process, but rather as an actively regulated one.


Background. Central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) is regarded as a benign tumour affecting the jaws. The first description of this rare lesion was introduced by Jaffe in 1953. CGCG usually occurs in patients younger than 30 years, is more common in females than in males, and is more common in the mandible than in the maxilla. Electronmicroscopic and immunohistological analyses showed that CGCG is a process that arises from monohistocyte-like cells. CT is excellent for demonstration of bone thinning or destruction.


Objective. To evaluate musele function of patients on hemodialysis before and after HD sessions also compare to subjective global assessment and bioelectrical impedance parameters.

© 2024, Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine