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Laboratorinė medicina. 2013,
t. 15,
Nr. 1,
p. 45 -

Serum tryptase level test was recently introduced in Lithuania. In healthy in­di vid u als tryptase con cen tra tion ranges between 1-15 ^g/l. Elevated tryptase level may be anaphylaxis, mastocytosis or hematologic disease marker. Elevated tryptase level sug­gests that either activated mast cells (labrocytes/mastocytes) release mature tryptase or there is an increase in mast cells count. Repeatedly tryptase level tests show whether increased tryptase level returns to baseline or remains high. Thus it shows the trigger that provoked tryptase level increase: anaphylaxis (tryptase level returns to baseline) or mastocytosis (tryptase level remains high). Monitoring tryp- tase levels in anaphylactic reactions can identify the risk of such reactions in the future (such as insect bites, sur­gical procedures or anesthesia). Masto­cytosis is a heterogeneous group of dis­eases characterized by growth and ac­cumulation of neoplastic mast cells. An increased serum tryptase level is one of the criteria for diagnosing masto­cytosis, which is a rare disease with a complicated diagnostic process. This test has been carried out on 31 patient, two of them were diagnosed with sys­temic mastocytosis. More frequent use of serum tryptase test in clinical prac­tice could help identify, diagnose and monitor such a disease as mastocytosis and enable more eftective risk assess - ment of anaphylactic reactions.

Keywords: tryptase, anaphylaxis, mastocytosis.

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