The Efficiency of the Combination of Electroconvulsive Therapy and Neuroleptics in the Treatment of Resistant Paranoid Schizophrenia

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Laboratorinė medicina. 2010,
t. 12,
Nr. 3,
p. 129 -

The Efficiency of the Combination of Electroconvulsive Therapy and Neuroleptics in the Treatment of Resistant Paranoid Schizophrenia

Aldona Šiurkutė, Gintaras Naujokas


Objective. In reviewing the treatment of resistant paranoid schizophrenia in a clinical case we will illustrate the efficacy and safety of electroconvulsive therapy with various neuroleptics combinations.

Method: case report.

Results. A 66-year-old woman suf­fered from paranoid schizophrenia from the age of 13. She suffered various condi­tions: affective disorders, depressive paranoid disorder and the condition ap­peared to worsen with life threatening catatonia with oneiroid, which could only be treated with ECT added to neuroleptic combinations. Furthermore, ECT maintenance was given.

Conclusions. Treatment-resistant schizophrenia poses much difficulty in choosing a treatment. For severe, life- threat en ing symp toms the cata tonic oneiroid condition needs a combination supplement of EIT and neuroleptics. Then the question arises as to whether the treatment is safe. In summary, the EIT, along with combinations of neuro­leptics, including clozapine, effectively eliminated the symptoms of life-threat­ening catatonia and was safe.

Keywords: electroconvulsive therapy, catatonia, resistant paranoid schizophre­nia, neuroleptics, maintenance ECT.


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