Critical Values of Pediatric Laboratory Tests: Analysis of The First Four Years

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Laboratorinė medicina. 2017,
t. 19,
Nr. 4,
p. 211 -

Background. The crittcal values of the laboratory tests are the significant sizes, which deviate from the reference (normative) limits, and which have a direct health impact and require urgent clinical intervention. The objective of the work was to analyze the frequency of the setting and reporting of the critical values in the laboratory tests for children in the first four years.

Material and methods. The research was carried out at Vilnius University Hospital, at Children Hospital of Santara Clinics. The four years’ data was analyzed from 2013 to 2016, the data of the critical values from the laboratory tests was coll ected from the Laboratory Information System and transferred for further analysis into the Microsoft Excel pro gram.

Results. In the first years of the analyzed period, there were identified 5981 of the critical values and this made up 2.1% of the research, which is subject to the critical values. The number of the crittcal values dropped by 10% over the course of four years due to a revised list of the critical tests. In 2015, with the introduction of automatic registration system for the critical values, the registration was started in the Laboratory Intormation System. The number of notifications per year amounted to 33% (in 2015) and in 2016 it increased to 40%.

Conclusions. A periodic analysis of the critical values of laboratory tests allows to evaluate clinically relevant limit concentrations of the laboratory tests and correct a list of the critical research in order to control the laboratory costs and avoid unnecessary burden on laboratory staff. In order to improve the number of critical values notifications, it is necessary to improve the hospital information system, improve the education of laboratory and medi cal personnel. A common policy for the critical values management contributes significantly to improving patient care and safety.

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