Circadian Rhythm Influence on Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Clinical Manifestation

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Laboratorinė medicina. 2017,
t. 19,
Nr. 4,
p. 228 -

Background. Type 2 diabetes mellitus - multifactorial disorder, affecting more than one human body system. It is more often diagnosed in older people having risk factors such as: obesity, dyslipidemia, lack of physical activity, concomitant cardiovascular diseases. According to the recommendations of Ministry of Health, diabetes treatment should include lifestyle modification and pharmacological therapy. Despite the success of pharmacotherapy it has been noticed, that very close beneficial effects could be reached implementing tactical nutrition therapy regulating circadian rhythm controlled metabolic processes.

Subject and methods. During 4 months of study, 9 female patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were presented with 3 different hypocaloric meal plans. M1 (morning) meal plan with high calorie breakfast; M2 (equal) meal plan with equal calories distribution during the day; M3 (evening) meal plan with calorie dense evening meals. Every end of the month, patients were given different meal plan and had to take body composition tests to access the amount of lost total weight, body fat and muscle mass. We are presenting an example of treatment using synchronized with human daily activity meal planning in order to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus clinical symptoms.

Results. Clinical trial patients successiully lost weight, while losing minimal amount of muscle tissue and increased their sense of well-being. Night shift workers reached their best results using M3 meal plan, while concentrating the biggest amount of their daily calories before going to work.

Conclusion. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of few studies analyzing effectiveness of circadian rhythm on disease management. Nevertheless, we would like to highlight such possibilities and show its successful outcomes on treating chronic diseases.

© 2024, Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine