Analysis of Dependence of N400 Response on Age

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Laboratorinė medicina. 2009,
t. 11,
Nr. 3,
p. 129 -

Background. N400 potential is a lan­guage-related neurophysiological brain research method. It is necessary to evalu­ate factors, influencing this potential in order to correctly interprete the results of analysis. One of these factors is the age of participants.

Aim of the study. The main aim of the research was to test whether there is statistically significant changes in la­tency and amplitude of N400 response re­lated to age.

Materials and methods. Event-re­lated potentials were recorded from 8 younger (M=23 years, SD=1.5) and 8 older (M=48 years, SD=7.8) adults as they performed a semantic mismatch task. Participants read 50 sentences ap­pearing by one word displayed for 1 s at a time (e. g. “Yesterday it rained all day” or “Yesterday it rained all week”) foll owed by 5 s black screen during which decision whether the end of the sentence was ap­propriate to context was reported. Two N400 parameters - mean amplitude and peak latency were subjected to analysis.

Results. Comparison of the N400 pa­rameters in two age groups showed de i crease of the amplitude by 3,76 ^V (or 0.15 |jV/year) and increase of peak latency by 39.15 ms (or 1.57 ms/year) with age.

Conclusions. The N400 event-re­lated potential gets smaller and slower with age, and this change should be taken into consideration performing re­search of N400 response.


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